

A guide to professional tattoo care: ensuring wound healing and a lasting tattoo

A guide to professional tattoo care: ensuring wound healing and a lasting tattoo


Tattooing is a form of art and personal expression, but proper care is essential to keep a tattoo looking beautiful and lasting. After a tattoo is completed, professional care and proper precautions will positively impact wound healing and tattoo results. In this article, we will provide a guide to professional tattoo care that will help you ensure wound healing and a vibrant, long-lasting tattoo color.

  1. Immediate care

The tattoo artist will use a care patch to cover the wound after performing the tattoo, but it should not last more than three days; too long a period of time can have a negative effect on the wound. The main purpose of this period of time is to wait for the blood to clot, to avoid drying out of the tissue fluid, to prevent dirt from touching the wound, and to avoid friction from clothing. When the time is reached, the patch should be removed and the wound cleaned of tissue fluid, blood and pigment, after which it is no longer necessary to use the patch.

  1. Simple tattoo cleaning

After tearing off the care sticker, you can use professional tattoo soothing cleaning solution, or non-alcohol shower gel, with warm water to clean the oozing blood and ink, and then gently press dry with a paper towel, avoid using a towel to wipe too hard. Towel is easy to breed bacteria, and should not use alcohol-containing cleaning products to wipe the tattoo, so as not to fade or deepen the wound.

  1. Tattoo wound cleaning

Tattoo maintenance is the most important thing is to clean, clean the number of times is related to the tattoo recovery, because the accumulation of tissue fluid in the wound is prone to accumulation of thick scabs, thick scabs will definitely lead to uneven tattoo color or leave scars.

Tattoo wounds can touch clean water, normal bathing does not need to be skipped, as long as the water temperature is not too high, the cleaning effort is gentle, and avoid soaking can be. If you are not cleaning the wound in the bath, please wash your hands with soap before proceeding.

When cleaning, you should be careful not to overheat the water, and use tattoo-specific cleansers with mild ingredients, or alcohol-free soaps and body washes. Do not apply the cleansing products directly to the wound; lather up first and then gently scrub the wound with bubbles until the wound is no longer slippery to the touch before it is considered clean.

  1. Keep the wound fresh

In order to speed up the healing of the tattoo wound, should keep the tattoo area dry. In the tattoo after a period of time, should reduce activities and avoid strenuous exercise, so as not to affect the wound scab due to excessive pulling. Swimming, sauna and other water or easy to sweat activities should also be suspended first. Special attention should be paid if the tattoo location is in the wrist, inner elbow, waist and other areas of frequent activities so as not to affect the recovery process of the tattoo.

applying the tattoo numbing cream
  1. Scratch tattoo repair products

After each cleaning, a thin layer of tattoo repair product should be applied (subject to the tattoo artist’s recommendation). Because the skin is dry after cleaning, the wound needs to be moisturized. Repair products should be selected according to the tattoo artist’s instructions or recommendations, in most cases you need to use tattoo repair cream, its main function is to moisturize, while tattoo repair cream will also add some repair ingredients to help tattoo wounds faster recovery.

  1. Pay attention to your diet

Attention to diet is vital to the healing of tattoo wounds. A healthy diet should be followed as the tattoo wound heals as quickly as possible. Maintaining adequate water intake will help the skin to be healthy and the wound to heal. Zusätzlich, increasing protein intake promotes tissue repair and regeneration, including protein-rich foods such as fish, chicken, beans, and nuts. Also, consuming foods rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, such as citrus fruits, vegetables, nuts, and olive oil, helps provide antioxidant benefits and promote wound healing. Avoid consuming too much caffeine and alcohol as they may interfere with the wound healing process.

  1. Avoid picking and scratching the wound, scabbing and peeling can not be pulled!

Tattoo after the first 3-5 days or so, the wound slowly began to form a thin film, scab, tattoo parts of the skin some micro-reflective, become a little taut, tattoo color becomes dull, are normal phenomena. Scabs and peeling remember not to pull, let them fall off naturally. If they are removed or fall off too soon, the tattoo will lose its color, become infected, become unevenly colored, or leave the skin scarred. Beginning After peeling, the skin will become drier, so you can increase the frequency of applying tattoo repair products, which in addition to moisturizing the skin will also help to relieve the itching a little bit. For example, if the itching persists and is accompanied by redness, swelling and heat, it is time to consult a tattoo artist.

  1. Do not sunbathe

Tattoo after sun exposure is easy due to ultraviolet radiation, affecting the color of the tattoo. Therefore, after the tattoo should try to avoid the sun, when you go out, can also wear breathable clothes that can cover the wound at the same time, in order to prevent the wound directly into the sun, affecting the finished product and its healing speed.

  1. Wear loose clothing during the recovery period

Tattoo wounds can not be smothered, to maintain breathable, please choose skin-friendly, low coefficient of friction, breathable and good clean-up material, such as cotton material, scabs peeling process, cotton clothing will not be scabs rubbed off. Don’t wear clothes that fit too well, as this will easily rub the wound, and the tattoo wound will ooze some tissue fluid and pigment, which may make the clothes stick to the tattoo wound. If you find fabric sticking to the wound, don’t be nervous, use clean water to dampen the sticky area before gently separating it, and avoid pulling it directly.

During the tattoo care process, you have the option of using some specialized tattoo care products such as the Hilook Tattoo line of products that are designed for tattoo care and restoration. These products include Hilook Tattoo Care Products, Hilook Tattoo Soothing Wash, Hilook Tattoo Specialty Cleaning Products and Hilook Tattoo Repair Products. They provide gentle cleansing, moisturizing and repairing effects that help tattoos heal and keep colors vibrant and long-lasting.

With proper care and careful attention, you can ensure good healing of your tattoo wound and long-lasting beauty of your tattoo. Erinnern, tattooing is a unique art and it needs your attention and care to show up perfectly. By following the professional tattoo care guidelines provided in this article, keeping the wound clean, dry and moisturized, and avoiding trauma and bad behavior, you will be able to enjoy a long-lasting and beautiful tattoo.


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