Hilook is an experienced manufacturer in producing numbing spray ideal for longer tattoo sessions. Crafted with your studio’s success in mind, our solutions go beyond pain relief and provide you with custom label tattoo solutions, addressing the unique challenges faced by professional tattoo artists.
Our private label numbing spray solutions redefine comfort, offering endurance for extended sessions, certified confidence for studios, and a personalized approach to elevate client satisfaction.
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Discover the unparalleled benefits of our tattoo numbing sprays, designed to elevate your tattooing business to new heights. Our products stand out with several distinctive advantages:
Our numbing sprays are formulated for quick absorption, providing a rapid onset of the numbing effect. Say goodbye to prolonged waiting times before experiencing relief.
The lightweight consistency of our sprays ensures an efficient and even application. Tattoo artists can cover larger areas seamlessly, ensuring a consistent numbing experience for clients.
We understand the dynamic nature of tattoo sessions. Our numbing sprays offer convenience in reapplication, allowing tattoo artists to address the evolving needs of clients during extended sessions.
Prioritizing client comfort is at the core of our product design. Our numbing sprays are crafted with the client in mind, contributing to a more relaxed and positive tattooing experience.
Whether it’s a small, intricate design or a larger, more extensive piece, our numbing sprays cater to the versatility required for tattoos of different sizes. Artists can rely on consistent efficacy across various applications.
The spray format allows for enhanced precision in application, ensuring that the numbing solution reaches the targeted areas precisely. This precision contributes to a smoother and more controlled tattooing process.
Explore the soothing and numbing properties of Hilook’s tattoo numbing sprays. The thoughtfully selected ingredients work together to ensure a comfortable and soothing tattooing experience.
Ингредиент | Преимущества |
Лидокаин | Известный местный анестетик для эффективного обезболивания. |
Глицерин | Увлажняет и способствует более гладкому нанесению. |
Экстракт хризантеллума индийского | Обладает успокаивающими свойствами для повышенного комфорта.. |
Портулак огородный | Противовоспалительные преимущества, подходит для чувствительной кожи. |
Экстракт корня шлемника байкальского | Успокаивающие кожу свойства способствуют бережному уходу.. |
Папаин бета-глюкан | Кондиционирует кожу, поддержание здоровой поверхности. |
Экстракт горечавки скабры | Потенциальный противовоспалительный эффект для дополнительного комфорта.. |
Этилгексилпальмитат | Смягчающее средство для гладкой текстуры, обеспечение простоты применения. |
Our experts meticulously evaluate every tattoo numbing spray from the customer’s perspective – scrutinizing color, аромат, usability and design aesthetics.
Production batches undergo strict sampling inspection per GB2828 standards. Only qualified items are sealed and stored. Before delivery, products must pass stringent physical, chemical and appearance tests per our control system.
You can trust that any product you receive has undergone our multi-layered inspection protocols, meeting the highest standards of quality worthy of your confidence.
Let us help customize numbing spray for your tattoo studios, бренды, и интернет-магазины. Сделайте сеанс татуировки безболезненным с помощью инновационных решений, обеспечивающих комфорт и удовлетворение клиента..
Все наши формулы разработаны в соответствии с самыми высокими стандартами. Они уже проверены и одобрены законом..
Бесплатные образцы доступны для вашего заказа, с включенной стоимостью доставки.
Поднимите свой бренд с помощью нашего индивидуального дизайна упаковки, включающего такие материалы, как пластик, не содержащий BPA., стекло, алюминий, и бутылки.
Время производства варьируется 5-15 дней для индивидуального бренда от даты согласования до поставки.
Our numbing spray feature a safe and versatile formula that addresses various needs, включая ожоги и ошпаривания.
Numbing spray for Tattoo / Подведите брови / Гореть / ошпаривать / Комариные укусы / Зуд и дискомфорт
Numbing spray for lip injections/lip fillers/waxing/ear piercing/nipple piercing
Compared with numbing cream, numbing spray can also be effective for reducing pain and discomfort during tattooing. Numbing sprays typically contain local anesthetics like lidocaine, and they work by temporarily desensitizing the nerve endings in the skin. Explore more bewteen creams and sprays.
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Aspect | Numbing Spray | Numbing Cream |
Consistency | Lighter, applied more quickly and evenly. | Usually thicker, providing a substantial barrier. |
Приложение | Sprayed directly onto the skin, quick and efficient. | Applied topically, needs to be spread evenly. |
Duration | Numbing effect may set in rapidly, reapplication as needed. | Numbing effect lasts for a duration, may need reapplication. |
Client Preferences | Consider client preferences for cream or spray. | Consider client preferences for cream or spray. |
Tattoo Size/Duration | Consider for larger or longer sessions. | Consider for larger or longer sessions. |
Ease of Application | Quick and efficient applic | Requires spreading evenly. |
The choice between cream and spray depends on factors such as client preferences, the size and duration of the tattoo session, and ease of application. Tattoo artists may choose based on their experience and the specific needs of each session, and some may even use a combination of both.
All our numbing spray are manufactured in 100,000-level dust-free purification workshop, который прошел сертификацию международного стандарта ISO22716 и GMPc.. Мы следуем стандартизированному процессу управления заводом, чтобы обеспечить стабильность качества и предоставлять высококачественную продукцию нашим клиентам..
The most important ingredient in tattoo numbing sprays is lidocaine, a local anesthetic agent. Lidocaine works by blocking sodium channels and preventing the conduction of pain signals from the treated area.
Yes, we have over 5000+ approved formulas for you to choose from. Contact us and let our experienced experts help with your specific needs.
Tattoo numbing spray with lidocaine can last up to 3 часы, but may vary depending on the user's skin type and application technique.
Numbing spray that contains lidocaine can take 15-30 minutes to fully work. Some products may take over 30 minutes when you feel numb over the tattoo area.
Make sure the area where you’ll be getting the tattoo is clean and free from oil and dirt.Then apply a thin, even layer over the desired area. Allow 20-30 minutes for the numbing effects to take place before your tattoo session. Reapply as needed during long sessions.
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