Premium Numbing Cream Wholesale Your Tattoo Solution!

With over 5,000 expertly crafted formulas, Hilook helps elevate your brand with custom private label services tailored to your vision. Tailor-made tattoo care products and a complete product line designed to meet your unique needs. Bring personalized care and superior results to your clients.


さまざまなタトゥー麻痺ラインを提供, 当社の製品はプロのタトゥーアーティストのニーズに応えます, ブランドオーナー, eコマースストア, およびスタートアップ企業. クライアントの快適さと満足を保証する革新的なソリューションで痛みのないタトゥー セッションを実現します。.


50%–70% active ingredients worked better while tattooing. Our formulas have been tested by hundreds of users and tattoo artists and can be adjusted to adapt to your country's market.

Full Body Numbing Tattoo Spray

Work quickly in a short period of time and maintain itself for a relatively long time. Meanwhile, 肌に良い保湿効果があります, それは間違いなくタトゥーを入れるのを容易にする.


The mature formula makes it safe to use even on relatively fragile faces. The main components of local anesthetics are lidocaine, tetracaine, and benzocaine, which can be used in mixed numbing cream formulas or alone.

Reduce Pain Long Lasting Tattoo Eyebrow Gel

With hydrolyzed oat protein, etc., ingredients, tattoo eyebrow gel performs well with quick relief of eyebrow tattoo discomfort and has long-lasting numbing, which effectively reduces pain.


    *We respect your confidentiality and all information are protected.

    How Can We Help with Private Label Solution

    Choose Your Desired Items

    Personalize your brand or select the best products with our exoert guidance.

    Products Sampling

    Our team streamlines product sampling to guide you conveniently in finalizing your manufacturing list.

    Finalize Your Product Design

    Elevate your brand with our customized packaging design services not limited to logo, formulas.

    After-sale Supports

    Our experts provide ongoing guidance and resources for effective marketing and sales in the tattoo market.

    Safe & Effective Formula

    当社の純粋な天然植物と効果的なタトゥーケア製品をご覧ください。, あなたのタトゥービジネスを強化するために設計されました. 細心の注意を払って作られた処方は、お客様の安全と安心を優先しながら最適な結果を保証します.

    タトゥー麻痺クリーム20% 有効成分痛みを追体験する, スムージング
    タトゥー麻酔スプレーアルギニン, アラントイン迅速かつ効果的な麻痺


    当社の製品は、さまざまなニーズに対応する安全で汎用性の高い配合が特徴です, 火傷や火傷を含む. ユーザーの幸福の向上を念頭に置いて, 当社の配合物は幅広い用途を提供します, パーソナルケアの意識を高める.

    入れ墨 / 眉毛のラインを引く / やけど / 火傷 / 蚊に刺された / かゆみや不快感


    ハイルックにて, お客様の満足が私たちの最優先事項です. 私たちは、お客様のビジネスに具体的なメリットをもたらす高品質のソリューションを提供することに専念しています。.

    高品質 & 多用途の製品

    高品質 & 多用途の製品

    豊富なプログラクトラインにより、タトゥーを長持ちかつ安全に保ちます。, タトゥーの準備に使用される栄養を与えるクレンザーから、心地よいアフターケアバームまで. 高品質の成分と高度な配合により、, 当社の製品は低アレルギー性です, 刺激の強い化学物質は含まれていません, そして依存症はありません. Hilook は、お客様のニーズを満たす優れたソリューションを提供します.


    革新性と卓越性への取り組み, 当社の製品は業界最高水準を満たすように設計されています. 私たちは世界的に有名な原料メーカーと深い協力関係を持っています, 最適なパフォーマンスを保証し、ブランドをさらに支援する最先端の環境に優しい材料を調達して利用します。.


    プライベートブランドタトゥーアフターケア会社として, Hilook は私たちの R を所有していました & Dチーム, 市場動向と組み合わせる, より環境に優しい製品の開発に専念しています (のように 100% 純粋な天然植物), 効果的なタトゥーケア製品. お客様のご要望とフィードバックに基づいて, タトゥーケア製品に対する顧客満足度を確保するために、製品は常に更新され、最適な配合が繰り返されます。.


    最先端の生産設備を備えた, 浄水システムなどの全自動機械を含む, 医療グレードの材料で作られた乳化タンク, スプレー充填機など, 私たちは生産能力を大幅に強化しました. さらに, 専用の水処理プラントを所有しているため、当社の事業に高品質な水を確実に供給できます。.

    High-standard & Precise Manufacturing Process

    Discover our exceptional production process, delivering superior quality and efficiency. From raw materials to advanced technologies, experience the strength of our manufacturing capabilities for tattoo care.


    1. Pre-manufacturing From Storage to Measurement

    Material Supply Chain:


    ● Raw materials storage:

    We provide packaging design services and collaborate with cost-saving package suppliers, offering a wide range of options for you.

    ● Packaging materials storage:

    We provide packaging design services and collaborate with cost-saving package suppliers, offering a wide range of options for you.

    2. Materials Testing Before Production

    ● Raw material inspection

    This includes appearance checks such as color, flavor, and sensory evaluation, along with microbial inspection to prevent contamination. さらに, various testing machines are utilized to conduct qualitative inspections on ingredient content, color, viscosity, hardness, and more.

    ● Packaging material inspection

    Primarily focused on examining connection status and appearance of connection parts which involves checking size, color, and surface appearance. Sprinkler packaging materials undergo tests for sprinkler performance, full liquid capacity, durability, and stripping. The testing is rigorous to ensure their optimal condition during production, minimizing the risk of leakage.

    3. Measurement of Raw Materials

    In order to produce product contents, raw materials need to be measured according to the characteristics of each product. The measurement of raw materials is controlled by a computer system.

    The type and content of raw materials are accurately measured by a control program, and the results are recorded in a data bank.

    And the detailed measurement information will be made into a bar code affixed after measurement, in order to record the detailed information of the management of raw materials.

    4. While-manufacturing

    After barcode confirmation, materials are added to the manufacturing pot for the production process, which includes dissolution, emulsification, dispersion, storage, cooling, filtration, and more. This applies to various cosmetics, including nano products.

    In addition, the manufacturing process includes transforming particles into nanoscale particles, ensuring high-quality products through controlled procedures.

    5. Machine Filling

    To maintain purity, a gas-cleaning dust collector is used for dry-cleaning supply containers. Automated systems with sensors efficiently capture particles, filtering them for safe disposal. Manual devices offer a hands-on approach for cleaning. The goal is to remove foreign matter and preserve material integrity.

    6. Microbial Detection

    Microbiological inspection is a basic step in thoroughly ensuring product quality. It is not only conducted on raw materials/products.

    Even manage the microbes in the air and on the human body in the production/packaging plant to consider/solve the problems that may occur when customers use it. Enhance customer trust.

    Microbiological inspection mainly includes the following stages, through such inspection shipped products will be qualified products (material/contents/product).

    7. Finished Product Testing

    To assess the quality of finished and semi-finished products, our appearance inspectors evaluate aspects such as color, 香り, usability, and design from the consumer’s perspective.

    After product completion, QC conducts sampling inspection based on production order requirements and GB2828 acceptance standards. Qualified products are sealed and released for storage.

    According to our company’s delivery control system, products must pass both physical and chemical tests as well as meet appearance inspection criteria before being approved for delivery.


    Hear from Our Partners

    As a leading tattoo numbing company and manufacturer, 当社はこれまでに優れたプライベート ラベル ソリューションを多数の企業に提供してきました。 1,000 世界中のビジネス.

    We Collaborate with People and Brands;

    Let’s Build Something Great Together.

    著作権© 2023, ハイルック. 無断転載を禁じます.